I study journalism and I think I would like to make some changes to the curriculum in terms of the number of practical subjects, because I think there are too little practical subjects. This problem is even bigger in the third year, because we have one subject related to television, but all the others are theoretical. I would include practical subjects, especially in the area of radio, because we only have it in the second year and I think it is very important.

About the workload, I think it depends on the subject and also on the teacher, because they all work with different styles. But in general we always have some work to do. About the years of study, I think they are the right ones.

The faculty, talking about it' s infrastructure, is a small place, but it has enough space to do our work, it is a clean and comfortable place. We have computer rooms that help us in our classes.  We have editing rooms to work on audiovisual projects, we also have a radio studio, I participate in JGM radio, we record a program every Thursday.

The teaching methods are quite good and at the same time very different according to each teacher, because some of them have very different methods of teaching even though they are the same subjects.

My favourite subject was radio. The only thing I wish I could change about that subject was that I did it in an online format because of the pandemic and I would have loved it to be in the faculty.


  1. Hello! I agree with you that we should add more practical subjects, it is necessary for journalism and cine.

  2. Hello, although radio was not my favorite subject, I would also like to be able to take it more times during my university years. I think it has a certain charm, maybe if I had taken it in person I would like it more.

  3. Hi koko!. I feel the same when you write about the Online format in some asignatures. It happen to me when i was coursing Fotojournalism, it dind´t help me because we couldn´t practice with a real camera.


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