
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2022
  TIME TRAVEL TO THE PAST OR FUTURE 👀 Personally I have a problem with the idea of going to the past or to the future because I am scared that something that happens there could change the life I live today. Like what is shown in the movies when the main character changes something very small in the past and then changes his whole life in the present and often the changes in the present are not good. But if I had the opportunity to go to the past or to the future without getting negative consequences for the things that may change, I would choose to go to the past. I would go to the 90s, I would love to meet my grandfather Guillermo. He died very young and I didn't get to meet him. But my family always told me about his life story and for as long as I can remember I heard beautiful stories about him. Many people loved him, he did good things for the children where he lived and many people still remember him like that. I wish I could visit that time. To be able to meet him, to know
A PHOTOGRAPH YOU LIKE 📷 This picture was taken by me. In the photo you can see flamingos in a pond, you can see their pink color and beautiful feathers of a stronger pink color. There is motion in the water and you can also see there are more than one. I took this picture almost three weeks ago in the Bicentenario park in Vitacura. It was on an outing with my best friends from college. We fed the flamingos with special food that they sold in the park. I took the photo with an app called "Dazz Cam" that simulates an analog camera.  I like it because it reminds me of the beautiful day I spent with my friends and how cute the flamingos were there. It was a warm day, we had a very nice picnic and then we went to feed the fish, swans and flamingos. I have more pictures from that day, but this one is my favorite because of the colors of the environment that combined with the analog camera effect looks very beautiful. I usually like to photograph things I see that I think are prett